09 Agustus 2009



22 Juli 2009

The impact and effectiveness of nurse-led care in the management of acute and chronic pain: a review of the literature.
Courtenay M, Carey N.

School of Health and Social Care, University of Reading, Bulmershe Campus, Reading, UK. m.courtenay@reading.ac.uk

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To identify, summarise and critically appraise the current evidence regarding the impact and effectiveness of nurse-led care in acute and chronic pain.

BACKGROUND: A diverse range of models of care exist within the services available for the management of acute and chronic pain. Primary studies have been conducted evaluating these models, but, review and synthesis of the findings from these studies has not been undertaken. DESIGN: Literature review. METHOD: Searches of Pubmed (NLM) Medline, CINAHL, Web of Knowledge (Science Index, Social Science index), British Nursing Index from January 1996-March 2007 were conducted. The searches were supplemented by an extensive hand search of the literature through references identified from retrieved articles and by contact with experts in the field. RESULTS: Twenty-one relevant publications were identified and included findings from both primary and secondary care. The areas, in which nurses, caring for patients in pain are involved, include assessment, monitoring, evaluation of pain, interdisciplinary collaboration and medicines management. Education programmes delivered by specialist nurses can improve the assessment and documentation of acute and chronic pain. Educational interventions and the use of protocols by specialist nurses can improve patients understanding of their condition and improve pain control. Acute pain teams, led by nurses, can reduce pain intensity and are cost effective. CONCLUSIONS: Nurses play key roles in the diverse range of models of care that exist in acute and chronic pain. However, there are methodological weaknesses across this body of research evidence and under researched issues that point to a need for further rigorous evaluation. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Nurse-led care is an integral element of the pain services offered to patients. This review highlights the effect of this care and the issues that require consideration by those responsible for the development of nurse-led models in acute and chronic pain. read more...

19 Mei 2009

Lowongan Kerja RSI Hidayatullah

Pren jumpa lg nih dgn info dari ku, tgl 18 mei 09 kmrin ku baca KR da info lowker di Rumah Sakit Islam Hidayatulah Yogyakarta

Di butuhkan
1. Perawat (PRW)
2. Bidan (BDN)
3. Ahli Gizi (GZ)
4. Analisis Kesehatan (AK)
5. Asisten Apoteker (AA)

Syarat :
- Usia maks 30thn
- IPK > 3.00
- Penampilan menarik
- Komunikatif
- Jujur, teliti and loyal
- Pengalaman di bidangnya

Tulis kode di pojok kiri atas di sampul srt lamaran


16 Mei 2009

Lowongan Kerja di PT. KAI

PT Kereta Api Indonesia membutuhkan lulusan Perawat untuk diseluruh DAOP PT KAI yang berminat hub. Jl. Wongsodirjan No 8 telp. 0274 7466976 segeralah bergabung dengan mendaftarkan diri

Tadi pagi jam 08.00 aku dah kesana...e ternyata libur, baru ingat klo hr ni sabtu kantor tutup, Alhamdulillah msh untung ada pegawai yang datang utk ngambil sesuatu katanya. jadi kutanya aja ma bliau........
PT. KAI emang membutuhkan tenaga perawat utk dt4kan di klinik stasiun di seluruh indonesia yang jmlhnya cukup byk, lamaran di masukin aja di kantor Jl. Wongsodirjan No 8 itu lo jln searah utara stasiun tugu, lamaran di tujukan pada :
Manajer MPKA 6
PT. Kereta Api Indonesia

syarat : standar gak ada spesifikasi kusus

oke met berjuang teman.........!!!!!!!!!!!


15 Mei 2009


Sudah sempatkah Anda tersenyum hari ini ? :-)

Jika belum, tak ada salahnya untuk mengingat sejenak salah satu momen indah
dalam hidup Anda, merasakannya, dan tersenyumlah :-)

Seperti yang telah Anda tahu atau pernah Anda baca, tersenyum membuat Anda lebih
mudah produktif, membuat Anda lebih lapang menjalani hari Anda, membuat prospek
Anda lebih responsif, membuat dunia lebih mudah memberikan Anda apa yang Anda mau.

Ya, tersenyum .. lagi .. dan lagi .. :-)

Sumber : TeknologiOtak.com

06 Mei 2009

Building the capacity for evidence-based clinical nursing leadership: the role of executive co-coaching and group clinical supervision for quality patient services.

Alleyne J, Jumaa MO.

Healthcare and Nursing Management, School of Health and Social Sciences, Middlesex University, London, UK. joalleyne1@aol.com

AIM: The general aims of this article were to facilitate primary care nurses (District Nurse Team Leaders) to link management and leadership theories with clinical practice and to improve the quality of the service provided to their patients. The specific aim was to identify, create and evaluate effective processes for collaborative working so that the nurses' capacity for clinical decision-making could be improved. BACKGROUND: This article, part of a doctoral study on Clinical Leadership in Nursing, has wider application in the workplace of the future where professional standards based on collaboration will be more critical in a world of work that will be increasingly complex and uncertain.

This article heralds the type of research and development activities that the nursing and midwifery professions should give premier attention to, particularly given the recent developments within the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. The implications of: Agenda for Change, the Knowledge and Skills Framework, 'Our Health, Our Care, Our Say' and the recent proposals from the article 'Modernising Nursing Career', to name but a few, are the key influences impacting on and demanding new ways of clinical supervision for nurses and midwives to improve the quality of patient management and services. METHOD: The overall approach was based on an action research using a collaborative enquiry within a case study. This was facilitated by a process of executive co-coaching for focused group clinical supervision sessions involving six district nurses as co-researchers and two professional doctoral candidates as the main researchers. The enquiry conducted over a period of two and a half years used evidence-based management and leadership interventions to assist the participants to develop 'actionable knowledge'. Group clinical supervision was not practised in this study as a form of 'therapy' but as a focus for the development of actionable knowledge, knowledge needed for effective clinical management and leadership in the workplace. FINDINGS: 1. Management and leadership interventions and approaches have significantly influenced the participants' capacity to improve the quality of services provided to their patients. 2. Using various techniques, tools, methods and frameworks presented at the sessions increased participants' confidence to perform. 3. A structured approach like the Clinical Nursing Leadership Learning and Action Process (CLINLAP) model makes implementing change more practical and manageable within a turbulent care environment. The process of Stakeholder Mapping and Management made getting agreement to do things differently much easier. Generally it is clear that many nurses and midwives, according to the participants, have to carry out management and leadership activities in their day-to-day practice. The traditional boundary between the private, the public and the voluntary sector management is increasingly becoming blurred. CONCLUSION: It is conclusive that the district nurses on this innovative programme demonstrated how they were making sense of patterns from the past, planning for the future and facilitating the clinical nursing leadership processes today to improve quality patient services tomorrow. Their improved capacity to manage change and lead people was demonstrated, for example, through their questioning attitudes about the dominance of general practitioners. They did this, for example, by initiating and leading case conferences with the multi-disciplinary teams. It became evident from this study that to use group clinical supervision with an executive co-coaching approach for the implementation and to sustain quality service demand that 'good nursing' is accepted as being synonymous with 'good management'. This is the future of 'new nursing'.


Alterations in Cardiac Output: Decreased
(_)Actual (_) Potential

Related To:
[Check those that apply]
(_) Cardiac factors
(_) Pulmonary disorders
(_) Endocrine disorders

(_) Hematological disorders
(_) Fluid & electrolyte disturbances
(_) Surgery/anesthesia
(_) Newborn/Infant
(_) Vagal stimulation
(_) Stress
(_) Shock
(_) Allergic response
(_) Medications
(_) Other:___________________

As evidenced by:
[Check those that apply]
(_) Angina
(_) Cardiac arrythmia
(_) Cyanosis
(_) Dyspnea
(_) Edema (periph./sacral)
(_) Fatigability
(_) Hypotention
(_) Oliguria
(_) Restlessness
(_) Tachycardia
NOC/NIC klik di sini

Sember :RNCentral.com
Published on Saturday March 10th , 2007